What Is The Best Trap For Chipmunks?

One of the best traps for chipmunks is the live trap. This trap is designed to capture the animal alive so that it can be released elsewhere. It is important to check the trap regularly so that the animal does not suffer needlessly.

Other good traps for chipmunks include the Havahart trap and the Victor trap.

There are a few things to consider when choosing the best trap for chipmunks. First, decide what kind of trap you want to use. There are live traps, which will capture the chipmunk alive, and kill traps, which will kill the chipmunk.

Second, consider where you will be placing the trap. If you are using a live trap, you will need to release the chipmunk far away from your home to prevent it from coming back. If you are using a kill trap, make sure to dispose of the chipmunk properly.

The best trap for chipmunks will depend on your needs and preferences. If you want to capture the chipmunk alive, a live trap is the best option. If you want to kill the chipmunk, a kill trap is the best option.

Place the trap in an area where chipmunks are active, and check it regularly to see if you’ve caught anything.

The Best Trap For Chipmunks and Mice PERIOD!

Multi catch chipmunk trap

One of the great things about multi catch chipmunk traps is that they can be used to capture multiple chipmunks at once. This is ideal for those who are trying to get rid of a large population of these pesky critters. Multi catch chipmunk traps work by luring the chipmunks into the trap with bait, and then the trap door closes, preventing them from escaping.

Multi catch chipmunk traps are available in a variety of sizes, so you can choose one that is best suited for your needs. These traps can be placed in areas where chipmunks are known to frequent, such as near bird feeders or in gardens. Be sure to check the trap regularly, as you will need to remove the captured chipmunks and reset the trap.

What food is irresistible to chipmunks?

Most chipmunks are attracted to foods that are high in fat and protein. This includes nuts, seeds, and insects. Peanut butter is also a popular food for chipmunks.

Some chipmunks may also be attracted to fruits and vegetables.

Also Read: Can Chipmunks Eat Blueberries?

What traps work best for chipmunks?

There are many different types of traps that can be used to catch chipmunks, but some are more effective than others. One of the most common and effective traps is the live trap. This type of trap uses bait to lure the chipmunk into a small enclosure, where it can then be captured and removed.

Other effective traps include the snap trap, which uses a spring-loaded mechanism to quickly kill the animal, and the glue trap, which uses a sticky adhesive to hold the chipmunk in place until it can be removed. One of the key things to remember when using any type of trap is to set it in an area where chipmunks are known to frequent. This could be near their burrows, near food sources, or in areas where they are known to travel.

It is also important to check the traps regularly, as leaving an animal trapped for too long can be inhumane. When used correctly, however, traps can be an effective way to rid your property of unwanted chipmunks.

Do chipmunks learn to avoid traps?

Yes, chipmunks learn to avoid traps. If they have a negative experience with a trap, they will be less likely to go near it in the future. They will also warn other chipmunks about the trap, so that they can avoid it as well.

Does trapping chipmunks work?

If you’re looking to get rid of chipmunks on your property, you may be wondering if trapping them is an effective solution. Unfortunately, while trapping can be a successful way to remove individual chipmunks, it’s not always the most practical or efficient method, especially if you have multiple animals to deal with. In many cases, it’s better to take steps to deter chipmunks from coming onto your property in the first place.

There are two main types of traps that can be used to catch chipmunks – live traps and kill traps. Live traps are designed to capture the animal alive so that it can be released elsewhere. These traps can be baited with food to lure the chipmunk inside, and they typically have a door or gate that closes once the animal is inside.

Kill traps, on the other hand, are designed to kill the animal. These traps can be baited as well, but the goal is to kill the chipmunk rather than capture it alive. These traps can be more effective in getting rid of chipmunks, but they may not be the best option if you’re concerned about animal welfare.

If you do decide to trap chipmunks, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, be sure to check your local laws and regulations to make sure that trapping is allowed in your area.


There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best trap for chipmunks will vary depending on the individual chipmunk and the specific situation. However, some tips on choosing the best trap for chipmunks include considering the size of the trap, the type of bait, and the location of the trap.

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